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IARU DOCUMENT: REG1TEST (IARU Region 1 Committee C.5)

Issue: 1,1 Subject: Electronic Data Interchange - EDI-file format for contests in Region 1 above 30 MHz Scope: This document is the specification for the Region 1 contest file formats above 30 MHz. Examples for commonly known contests are shown in the appendix. The aim is to make contest-log programmers able to deliver a standard (file) format from their programs, to enable contest managers to receive log data through various types of communication systems e.g. diskettes, packet AX.25, telephone, etc; for electronic evaluation purposes. Original Prepared by: Bo Hansen, OZ1FDJ, Sýren Pedersen, OZ1FTU Date: 19950402 Revision date: 19950621 Introduction Since 1992 EDR has been working on a suggestion for a common data transfer format for VHF and above contests logs. In 1994 EDR introduced the NORDACTI format for use in the Nordic Activity Contests. The introduction was successfully received as more than 40% of all contest logs were submitted electronically. The aim of the common file format is to make contest log programmers able to deliver a standard output file from their programs, to enable contest managers to receive logs via data transfer system (e.g. diskettes, Packet Radio) introduce electronic log processing and ease submission for participants. The format does not specify when to use it. Generally speaking, the usage is up to the contest manager. Seen from a validation point of view it can be used for checking "big" stations only. From an easy-submission point of view it can be used to ease the submission among contest participants as an alternative to traditional mail. What media to use is not specified, and is up to the contest manager. If Packet Radio is a reliable media it is a good choice, however, it does not solve the legal issue with the responsible operators signature. When a contest manager invites to a contest she/he should state if electronic log submission is possible, in what way (e.g. INTERNET) and where (managers E-mail address), just like own mailing address. Contest manager must have a validation program to make a complete validation including cross checking etc. Contest participants can use the electronic data file format to submit their logs to the contest manager in time. To be able to do this, participants must use a contest program capable of generating a REG1TEST file. Format [REG1TEST;1] File identifier;file version F TName=Contest name TDate=Beginning;ending date of contest PCall=Callsign used PWWLo=WWL used PExch=Exchange used F PAdr1=Address line 1 from where the contest took place F PAdr2=Address line 2 from where the contest took place F PSect=Section in which station participates PBand=Band used during the contest PClub=Club station where points can be accumulated F RName=Name of responsible operator RCall=Callsign of responsible operator F RAdr1=Address line 1 of responsible operator F RAdr2=Address line 2 of responsible operator F RPoCo=Postal code of responsible operator F RCity=City of responsible operator F RCoun=Country of responsible operator F RPhon=Phone number of responsible operator F RHBBS=Home BBS of responsible operator MOpe1=Multi operator line 1 MOpe2=Multi operator line 2 F STXEq=TX equipment F SPowe=TX power [W] F SRXEq=RX equipment F SAnte=Antenna F SAntH=Antenna height above ground level [m];height above sea level [m] CQSOs=Claimed number of valid QSOs;Band multiplier CQSOP=Claimed number of QSO-points CWWLs=Claimed number of WWLs;Bonus per each new WWL;WWL multiplier CWWLB=Claimed number of WWL bonus points CExcs=Claimed number of Exchanges;Bonus per each new Exchange;Exchange multiplier CExcB=Claimed number of Exchange bonus points CDXCs=Claimed number of DXCCs;Bonus per each new DXCC;DXCC multiplier CDXCB=Claimed number DXCC bonus CToSc=Claimed total score CODXC=Call;WWL;distance Best DX contact [Remarks] Remarks identifier F Remarks lines [QSORecords;Number of QSO records following] QSO records identifier;number of QSO records following Date;Time;Call;Mode code;Sent-RST;Sent QSO number;Received-RST;Received QSO number;Received exchange;Received-WWL; QSO-Points;New-Exchange-(N);New-WWL-(N);New-DXCC-(N);Duplicate-QSO-(D) Explanations of keywords Keywords are defines as the word in front of the actual argument. The keyword is separated from the argument with an equal sign (=). [REG1TEST;1] REG1TEST;1 is the file identifier and the file version. It serves as indicator for which format and version is being used and where data begins. TName Argument describes the name of the contest in which the station participated. TDate Arguments describe the beginning and ending dates of the contest. Arguments are separated with a semicolon (;). Arguments are written as YYYYMMDD. PCall Argument describes the callsign used during the contest. PWWLo Argument describes own World Wide Locator (WWL, Maidenhead, Universal Locator) used during the contest. Maximum length is six characters. PExch Argument describes own Exchange during the contest. This can be any type of information, e.g. Province, DOK, County, State, Power, Name. Maximum length is six characters. PAdr1 Argument describes the address of the QTH used during the contest, line 1. PAdr2 Argument describes the address of the QTH used during the contest, line 2. PSect Argument describes in which section the station is participating. Synonyms to the meaning "section" are: class, category, group etc. PBand Argument describe which band was used during the contest. Please note the bands and which frequency range they represent in the table below: Frequency PBand 50 - 54 MHz = 50 MHz 70 - 70,5 MHz = 70 MHz 144 - 148 MHz = 144 MHz, recent IARU VHF Handbook recommends 145 MHz 430 - 440 MHz = 432 MHz, recent IARU VHF Handbook recommends 435 MHz 1240 - 1300 MHz = 1,3 GHz 2300 - 2450 MHz = 2,3 GHz 3400 - 3600 MHz = 3,4 GHz 5650 - 5850 MHz = 5,7 GHz 10,0 - 10,5 GHz = 10 GHz 24,0 - 24,25 GHz = 24 GHz 47,0 - 47,2 GHz = 47 GHz 75,5 - 81 GHz = 76 GHz 120 - 120 GHz = 120 GHz 142 - 148 GHz = 144 GHz 241 - 250 GHz = 248 GHz PClub Argument describes the callsign of the radio club where operator(s) are member. Can be used if points are accumulated to the club etc. RName Argument describes the given- and surname of the responsible operator. RCall Argument describes the callsign of the responsible operator. RAdr1 Argument describes the address of the responsible operator, line 1. RAdr2 Argument describes the address of the responsible operator, line 2. RPoCo Argument describes the postal code of the responsible operator. RCity Argument describes the city of the responsible operator. RCoun Argument describes the country of the responsible operator. RPhon Argument describes the telephone number of the responsible operator. RHBBS Argument describes the Bulletin Board System or electronic mail address of the responsible operator. MOpe1 Arguments describe the operators participating in the contest, line 1. All arguments separated with a semicolon (;). Responsible operator is not needed in this argument. MOpe2 Arguments describe the operators participating in the contest, line 2. All arguments are separated with a semicolon (;).Responsible operator is not needed in this argument. STXEq Argument describes the transmitting equipment used during the contest. SPowe Argument describes the transmitting power used during the contest, unit is Watt. SRXEq Argument describes the receiving equipment used during the contest. SAnte Argument describes the antenna system used during the contest. SAntH Arguments describe the antenna height above ground level and sea level, unit is meter. All arguments separated with a semicolon (;). CQSOs Arguments describe the claimed number of valid QSOs and the band multiplier. All arguments are separated with a semicolon (;). CQSOP Argument describes the claimed total number of QSO-points. The format does not specify that QSO-points can only be based upon distances. CWWLs Arguments describe the claimed number of WWLs worked, the number of bonus points claimed for each new WWL and the WWL multiplier. All arguments are separated with a semicolon (;). If no bonus points are claimed then bonus points per each new WWL are set to zero (0). If no multiplication is used for each new WWL the multiplier is set to one (1). CWWLB Argument describes the claimed total number of WWL bonus points. CExcs Arguments describe the claimed number of Exchanges worked, the number of bonus points claimed for each new Exchange and the Exchange multiplier. All arguments are separated with a semicolon (;). If no bonus points are claimed then bonus points per each new Exchange are set to zero (0). If no multiplication is used for each new Exchange the multiplier is set to one (1). CExcB Argument describes the claimed total number of Exchange bonus points. CDXCs Arguments describe the claimed number of DXCCs worked, the number of bonus points claimed for each new DXCC and the DXCC multiplier. All arguments are separated with a semicolon (;). If no bonus points are claimed then bonus points per each new DXCC are set to zero (0). If no multiplication is used for each new DXCC the multiplier is set to one (1). CDXCB Argument describes the claimed total number of DXCC bonus points. CToSc Argument describes the total claimed score. The format does not specify how the total score is calculated. CODXC Arguments describe the claimed ODX contact call, WWL and distance. All arguments are separated with a semicolon (;). [Remarks] The (Remarks( identifier is used to mark where the Remarks begins. All lines following, until [QSORecords;Number of QSO records following], are remarks. If no remarks are written identifier must still be present. Remarks lines Remarks lines are where the station may write comments to the test. The number of lines is variable. All lines in between [Remarks] and [QSORecords;Number of QSO records following] are remarks. [QSORecords;Number of QSO records following] The [QSORecords;Number of QSO records following] is the QSO record identifier used to mark where QSO records begins, and how many consecutive QSO records to follow. QSO record definition Date;Time;Call;Mode code;Sent-RST;Sent QSO number;Received RST;Received QSO number;Received Exchange;Received-WWL;QSO-Points;New-Exchange-(N);New-WWL-(N);New-DXCC-(N);Duplicate-QSO-(D) All arguments are separated with a semicolon (;). All fields in the QSO record is written on the same line, and ending with ASCII characters 13 and 10 (CR LF). Field Maximum length Date = YYMMDD, 6 characters 6 Time = UTC, 4 characters, with leading zeros 4 Call = 3 to 14 characters 14 Mode code = 0 or 1 character 1 Sent-RST = 0 or 2 or 3 characters 3 Sent QSO number = 0 or 3 or 4 characters, with leading zeros 4 Received-RST = 0 or 2 or 3 characters 3 Received QSO number = 0 or 3 or 4 characters, with leading zeros 4 Received Exchange = 0 or 1 to 6 characters (see also PExch) 6 Received WWL = 0 or 4 or 6 characters, World Wide Locator 6 QSO points = 1 to 6 characters, including bandmultiplier 6 New-Exchange = 0 or 1 character, "N" if QSO is a new exchange 1 New-WWL = 0 or 1 character, "N" if QSO is a new WWL 1 New-DXCC = 0 or 1 character, "N" if QSO is a new DXCCL 1 Duplicate-QSO = 0 or 1 character, "D" if contact is a duplicate QSO 1 61 + field separators, 14 75 Mode code The mode code is used to show which modes were used for the QSO. Below is a list of the code with corresponding modes. Mode code TX mode RX mode 0 non of below non of below 1 SSB SSB 2 CW CW 3 SSB CW 4 CW SSB 5 AM AM 6 FM FM 7 RTTY/MGM RTTY/MGM 8 SSTV SSTV 9 ATV ATV If the mode is not important it can be left blank, i.e. not stated in rules/invitation. Characters Used characters are in accordance with the 7-bit ASCII alphabet and only characters with the following decimal number are allowed 10, 13, 32-127. Line length If line length is already specified it must not be exceeded, other lines must not exceed a length of 75 characters. Length is limited due to Packet Radio transferral. F All lines, in the format description, with the "F" denote that entry is a free format. This means that any of the above characters in the 7-bit ASCII alphabet can be used. All other entries are forced format and characters, as above, are in capital. All numbers in forced format are positive integers and non-exponential notation and entry can not be left empty, i.e. 0 (zero) or greater. All forced formats must be in accordance with SI-units (Systeme International). Separator (;) This separator semicolon (;) is written to separate multiple information on same line. If the format is used for a contest which does not use some of the QSO exchanges, i.e. QSO no., WWL and Exchange, these fields are left blank. Proper interpretation must be ensured by manager program. Faulty QSOs A duplicate QSO is marked with a "D" in the Duplicate-QSO field, and the QSO-points field is set to 0 (zero). The format does not define when a QSO is a duplicate. An incomplete QSO is written with the information received, and the QSO-points field is set to zero (0). In case of a mistake, an error mark must be inserted in the Callsign field to keep a correct flow in the number of QSOs records. The error mark must be an "ERROR" and the other fields except Time and Sent QSO no., if used, can be left empty. In case the empty field is accumulated, e.g. QSO-points, it is set to 0 (zero). QSO numbers The format does not define in what order the QSO numbers must be listed. It is possible to use the format to submit logs for contests requiring consecutive numbers for all QSOs, even if they are on different bands. Missing information If a contest log program can not fill in all the information, the missing information can be left blank, except if information is needed for claiming/calculating scores, e.g. log program cannot identify WWLs, DXCCs etc. If the information is required for the scores this log program can not be used for this particular contest anyway. Appendix The following section describes different EDI-files for various commonly known contest types. Region 1 Contest, standard type [REG1TEST;1] TName=IARU Region 1, March contest VHF TDate=19950304;19950305 PCall=OZ1FDJ PWWLo=JO65FR PExch= PAdr1=Herlevgaardsvej 32 A, st. tv., DK-2730 Herlev PAdr2= PSect=Multi operator PBand=144 MHz PClub=OZ2AGR RName=Bo Hansen RCall=OZ1FDJ RAdr1=Herlevgaardsvej 32 A, st. tv. RAdr2= RPoCo=DK-2730 RCity=Herlev RCoun=DENMARK RPhon=(+45) 42 91 53 98 RHBBS=OZ6BBS MOpe1=OZ1FTU MOpe2= STXEq=FT-225RD+MRF247 SPowe=90 SRXEq=FT-225RD+MuTek+BF981 1,5 dB NF SAnte=9 elements OZ5HF SAntH=14;41 CQSOs=24;1 CQSOP=11579 CWWLs=19;0;1 CWWLB=0 CExcs=0;0;1 CExcB=0 CDXCs=7;0;1 CDXCB=0 CToSc=11579 CODXC=OY9JD;IP62OA;1302 [Remarks] Nice with the Aurora, made it possible to work more than usual in a 24 h contest. Nice to hear Jon (OY9JD) again, but, many stations calling so no time for chat. Besides the Aurora there was only little activity, as usual, in Scandanivia. Empty line and page break inserted due to layout, is not the case for real output. [QSORecords;26] 950304;1445;OZ9SIG;1;59;001;59;006;;JO65ER;6;;N;N; 950304;1446;DL5BBF;1;54;002;59;023;;JO42LT;396;;N;N; 950304;1449;OZ1HLB/P;1;59;003;59;015;;JO55US;48;;N;; 950304;1450;DL6FBL;1;53;004;51;092;;JO40XL;608;;N;; 950304;1454;DF0TAU;1;54;005;59;084;;JO40QO;606;;;; 950304;1508;DJ3QP;1;55;006;59;095;;JO42FB;485;;;; 950304;1510;DG5TR;1;53;007;53;006;;JO53QP;242;;N;; 950304;1519;DL0WU;1;55;008;53;108;;JO31OF;609;;N;; 950304;1528;DL3LAB;1;59;009;59;046;;JO44XS;191;;N;; 950304;1532;DL5XV;1;56;010;59;033;;JO53AO;283;;;; 950304;1544;OZ8RY/A;1;56;011;57;010;;JO66HB;39;;N;; 950304;1553;OZ1AOO;1;59;012;59;001;;JO65FR;1;;;; 950304;1603;ERROR;;;013;;;;;0;;;; 950304;1618;DL0WX;1;53;014;52;174;;JO30FQ;688;;N;; 950304;1626;SM4HFI;2;53A;015;54A;019;;JP70TO;573;;N;N; 950304;1631;GM4YXI;2;57A;016;55A;015;;IO87WI;911;;N;N; 950304;1636;OH2AAQ;2;52A;017;59A;015;;KO29FX;851;;N;N; 950304;1640;OH2BNH;2;55A;018;57A;024;;KP20LG;891;;N;; 950304;1641;LA2AB;1;59A;019;57A;027;;JO59FV;479;;N;N; 950304;1646;SM5BSZ;2;55A;020;57A;029;;JO89IJ;480;;N;; 950304;1700;SK5BN;2;51A;021;55A;026;;JP80UE;585;;N;; 950304;1720;DL9LBA;2;529;022;559;056;;JO44UP;213;;;; 950304;1730;SK6NP;2;559;023;539;029;;JO68MB;262;;N;; 950304;1736;OH1MDR;2;52A;024;57A;023;;KP01VJ;830;;N;; 950304;1739;OY9JD;2;51A;025;52A;011;;IP62OA;1302;;N;N; 950304;1826;OZ9SIG;1;59;026;59;006;;JO65ER;0;;;;D AGCW DL VHF Contest (contest manager: DJ2QZ) [REG1TEST;1] TName=AGCW contest 2 m TDate=19950318;19950318 PCall=OZ1FDJ PWWLo=JO65FR PExch=C PAdr1=Herlevgaardsvej 32 A, st. tv., DK-2730 Herlev PAdr2= PSect=C PBand=144 MHz PClub=OZ2AGR RName=Bo Hansen RCall=OZ1FDJ RAdr1=Herlevgaardsvej 32 A, st. tv. RAdr2= RPoCo=DK-2730 RCity=Herlev RCoun=DENMARK RPhon=(+45) 42 91 53 98 RHBBS=OZ6BBS MOpe1= MOpe2= STXEq=FT-225RD+MRF247 SPowe=90 SRXEq=FT-225RD+MuTek+BF981 1,5 dB NF SAnte=9 elements OZ5HF SAntH=14;41 CQSOs=24;1 CQSOP=11579 CWWLs=19;500;1 CWWLB=9500 CExcs=3;0;1 CExcB=0 CDXCs=7;0;1 CDXCB=0 CToSc=11579 CODXC=OY9JD;IP62OA;1302 [Remarks] Nice with the Aurora, made it possible to work more than usual. Nice to hear Jon (OY9JD) again, but, many stations calling so no time for chat. Besides the Aurora there was only little activity, as usual, in Scandanivia. Empty line and page break inserted due to layout, is not the case for real output. [QSORecords;26] 950318;1600;OZ9SIG;2;599;001;599;006;B;JO65ER;6;N;N;N; 950318;1602;DL5BBF;2;549;002;599;023;C;JO42LT;396;N;N;N; 950318;1607;OZ1HLB/P;2;599;003;599;015;C;JO55US;48;;N;; 950318;1609;DL6FBL;2;539;004;519;092;C;JO40XL;608;;N;; 950318;1614;DF0TAU;2;549;005;599;084;B;JO40QO;606;;;; 950318;1618;DJ3QP;2;559;006;599;095;C;JO42FB;485;;;; 950318;1625;DG5TR;2;539;007;539;006;A;JO53QP;242;N;N;; 950318;1628;DL0WU;2;559;008;539;108;C;JO31OF;609;;N;; 950318;1630;DL3LAB;2;599;009;599;046;C;JO44XS;191;;N;; 950318;1632;DL5XV;2;569;010;599;033;C;JO53AO;283;;;; 950318;1644;OZ8RY/A;2;569;011;579;010;A;JO66HB;39;;N;; 950318;1653;OZ1AOO;2;599;012;599;001;A;JO65FR;1;;;; 950318;1703;ERROR;;;013;;;;;0;;;; 950318;1718;DL0WX;2;539;014;529;174;C;JO30FQ;688;;N;; 950318;1726;SM4HFI;2;53A;015;54A;019;C;JP70TO;573;;N;N; 950318;1731;GM4YXI;2;57A;016;55A;015;C;IO87WI;911;;N;N; 950318;1736;OH2AAQ;2;52A;017;59A;015;C;KO29FX;851;;N;N; 950318;1740;OH2BNH;2;55A;018;57A;024;C;KP20LG;891;;N;; 950318;1741;LA2AB;2;59A;019;57A;027;C;JO59FV;479;;N;N; 950318;1746;SM5BSZ;2;55A;020;57A;029;C;JO89IJ;480;;N;; 950318;1800;SK5BN;2;51A;021;55A;026;C;JP80UE;585;;N;; 950318;1820;DL9LBA;2;529;022;559;056;C;JO44UP;213;;;; 950318;1830;SK6NP;2;559;023;539;029;B;JO68MB;262;;N;; 950318;1836;OH1MDR;2;52A;024;57A;023;C;KP01VJ;830;;N;; 950318;1839;OY9JD;2;51A;025;52A;011;C;IP62OA;1302;;N;N; 950318;1846;OZ9SIG;2;599;026;599;006;B;JO65ER;0;;;;D Nordic Activity Contest, 432 MHz (contest manager OZ: OZ1EYN) [REG1TEST;1] TName=EDR Aktivitetstest UHF 70 cm TDate=19950314;19950314 PCall=OZ1FDJ PWWLo=JO65FR PExch= PAdr1=Herlevgaardsvej 32 A, st. tv., DK-2730 Herlev PAdr2= PSect=2 PBand=432 MHz PClub=OZ2AGR RName=Bo Hansen RCall=OZ1FDJ RAdr1=Herlevgaardsvej 32 A, st. tv. RAdr2= RPoCo=DK-2730 RCity=Herlev RCoun=DENMARK RPhon=(+45) 42 91 53 98 RHBBS=OZ6BBS MOpe1= MOpe2= STXEq=FT-225RD+MRF644 SPowe=50 SRXEq=FT-225RD+Transverter+MGF1302 0,8 dB NF SAnte=13 elements OZ5HF SAntH=14;41 CQSOs=24;1 CQSOP=11579 CWWLs=19;300;1 CWWLB=5700 CExcs=0;0;1 CExcB=0 CDXCs=7;0;1 CDXCB=0 CToSc=17279 CODXC=OY9JD;IP62OA;1302 [Remarks] Nice with the Aurora, made it possible to work more than usual. Nice to hear Jon (OY9JD) again, but, many stations calling so no time for chat. Besides the Aurora there was only little activity, as usual, in Scandanivia. Empty line and page break inserted due to layout, is not the case for real output. [QSORecords;26] 950314;1845;OZ9SIG;1;59;;59;;;JO65ER;6;;N;N; 950314;1846;DL5BBF;1;54;;59;;;JO42LT;396;;N;N; 950314;1849;OZ1HLB/P;1;59;;59;;;JO55US;48;;N;; 950314;1850;DL6FBL;1;53;;51;;;JO40XL;608;;N;; 950314;1854;DF0TAU;1;54;;59;;;JO40QO;606;;;; 950314;1908;DJ3QP;1;55;;59;;;JO42FB;485;;;; 950314;1910;DG5TR;1;53;;53;;;JO53QP;242;;N;; 950314;1919;DL0WU;1;55;;53;;;JO31OF;609;;N;; 950314;1928;DL3LAB;1;59;;59;;;JO44XS;191;;N;; 950314;1932;DL5XV;1;56;;59;;;JO53AO;283;;;; 950314;1944;OZ8RY/A;1;56;;57;;;JO66HB;39;;N;; 950314;1953;OZ1AOO;1;59;;59;;;JO65FR;1;;;; 950314;2003;ERROR;;;;;;;;0;;;; 950314;2018;DL0WX;1;53;;52;;;JO30FQ;688;;N;; 950314;2026;SM4HFI;2;53A;;54A;;;JP70TO;573;;N;N; 950314;2031;GM4YXI;2;57A;;55A;;;IO87WI;911;;N;N; 950314;2036;OH2AAQ;2;52A;;59A;;;KO29FX;851;;N;N; 950314;2040;OH2BNH;2;55A;;57A;;;KP20LG;891;;N;; 950314;2041;LA2AB;1;59A;;57A;;;JO59FV;479;;N;N; 950314;2046;SM5BSZ;2;55A;;57A;;;JO89IJ;480;;N;; 950314;2100;SK5BN;2;51A;;55A;;;JP80UE;585;;N;; 950314;2120;DL9LBA;2;529;;559;;;JO44UP;213;;;; 950314;2130;SK6NP;2;559;;539;;;JO68MB;262;;N;; 950314;2136;OH1MDR;2;52A;;57A;;;KP01VJ;830;;N;; 950314;2139;OY9JD;2;51A;;52A;;;IP62OA;1302;;N;N; 950314;2146;OZ9SIG;1;59;;59;;;JO65ER;0;;;;D ARI Activity six meter (contest manager: IW0BET) [REG1TEST;1] TName=ARI six meter activity 1995 TDate=19950304;19950305 PCall=OZ1FDJ PWWLo=JO65FR PExch= PAdr1=Herlevgaardsvej 32 A, st. tv., DK-2730 Herlev PAdr2= PSect=2/A PBand=50 MHz PClub=OZ2AGR RName=Bo Hansen RCall=OZ1FDJ RAdr1=Herlevgaardsvej 32 A, st. tv. RAdr2= RPoCo=DK-2730 RCity=Herlev RCoun=DENMARK RPhon=(+45) 42 91 53 98 RHBBS=OZ6BBS MOpe1= MOpe2= STXEq=TS-120+Transverter SPowe=50 SRXEq=TS-120+Transverter+BF981 1,5 dB NF SAnte=5 elements Tonna SAntH=14;41 CQSOs=24;1 CQSOP=24 CWWLs=19;0;1 CWWLB=0 CExcs=0;0;1 CExcB=0 CDXCs=7;0;1 CDXCB=0 CToSc=3192 CODXC=OY9JD;IP62OA;1302 [Remarks] Nice with the Aurora, made it possible to work more than usual. Nice to hear Jon (OY9JD) again, but, many stations calling so no time for chat. Besides the Aurora there was only little activity, as usual, in Scandanivia. Empty line and page break inserted due to layout, is not the case for real output. [QSORecords;26] 950304;1300;OZ9SIG;1;59;;59;;;JO65ER;1;;N;N; 950304;1302;DL5BBF;1;54;;59;;;JO42LT;1;;N;N; 950304;1305;OZ1HLB/P;1;59;;59;;;JO55US;1;;N;; 950304;1309;DL6FBL;1;53;;51;;;JO40XL;1;;N;; 950304;1312;DF0TAU;1;54;;59;;;JO40QO;1;;;; 950304;1315;DJ3QP;1;55;;59;;;JO42FB;1;;;; 950304;1317;DG5TR;1;53;;53;;;JO53QP;1;;N;; 950304;1319;DL0WU;1;55;;53;;;JO31OF;1;;N;; 950304;1328;DL3LAB;1;59;;59;;;JO44XS;1;;N;; 950304;1332;DL5XV;1;56;;59;;;JO53AO;1;;;; 950304;1344;OZ8RY/A;1;56;;57;;;JO66HB;1;;N;; 950304;1353;OZ1AOO;1;59;;59;;;JO65FR;1;;;; 950304;1403;ERROR;;;;;;;;0;;;; 950304;1418;DL0WX;1;53;;52;;;JO30FQ;1;;N;; 950304;1426;SM4HFI;2;53A;;54A;;;JP70TO;1;;N;N; 950304;1431;GM4YXI;2;57A;;55A;;;IO87WI;1;;N;N; 950304;1436;OH2AAQ;2;52A;;59A;;;KO29FX;1;;N;N; 950304;1440;OH2BNH;2;55A;;57A;;;KP20LG;1;;N;; 950304;1441;LA2AB;1;59A;;57A;;;JO59FV;1;;N;N; 950304;1446;SM5BSZ;2;55A;;57A;;;JO89IJ;1;;N;; 950304;1500;SK5BN;2;51A;;55A;;;JP80UE;1;;N;; 950304;1520;DL9LBA;2;529;;559;;;JO44UP;1;;;; 950304;1530;SK6NP;2;559;;539;;;JO68MB;1;;N;; 950304;1536;OH1MDR;2;52A;;57A;;;KP01VJ;1;;N;; 950304;1539;OY9JD;2;51A;;52A;;;IP62OA;1;;N;N; 950304;1546;OZ9SIG;1;59;;59;;;JO65ER;0;;;;D UK Six Metre Group (contest manager: BRS 25429) [REG1TEST;1] TName=UK Six Metre Group Contest 1995 TDate=19950603;19950603 PCall=OZ1FDJ PWWLo=JO65FR PExch= PAdr1=Herlevgaardsvej 32 A, st. tv., DK-2730 Herlev PAdr2= PSect=Rest of Europe PBand=50 MHz PClub=OZ2AGR RName=Bo Hansen RCall=OZ1FDJ RAdr1=Herlevgaardsvej 32 A, st. tv. RAdr2= RPoCo=DK-2730 RCity=Herlev RCoun=DENMARK RPhon=(+45) 42 91 53 98 RHBBS=OZ6BBS MOpe1= MOpe2= STXEq=TS120+Transverter SPowe=50 SRXEq=TS120+Transverter+BF981 1,5 dB NF SAnte=5 elements Tonna SAntH=14;41 CQSOs=24;1 CQSOP=24 CWWLs=19;0;1 CWWLB=0 CExcs=4;1;1 CExcB=4 CDXCs=8;0;1 CDXCB=0 CToSc=4256 CODXC=OY9JD;IP62OA;1302 [Remarks] Nice with the Aurora, made it possible to work more than usual in a 24 h contest. Nice to hear Jon (OY9JD) again, but, many stations calling so no time for chat. Besides the Aurora there was only little activity, as usual, in Scandanivia. Empty line and page break inserted due to layout, is not the case for real output. [QSORecords;26] 950603;1845;OZ3SDL;1;59;;59;;24684;JO65;1;N;N;N; 950603;1846;DL5BBF;1;54;;59;;;JO42;1;;N;N; 950603;1849;OZ1HLB/P;1;59;;59;;;JO55;1;;N;; 950603;1850;DL6FBL;1;53;;51;;;JO40;1;;N;; 950603;1854;DF0TAU;1;54;;59;;;JO40;1;;;; 950603;1908;DJ3QP;1;55;;59;;;JO42;1;;;; 950603;1910;G5TR;1;53;;53;;44353;IO93;1;N;N;N; 950603;1919;DL0WU;1;55;;53;;;JO31;1;;N;; 950603;1928;DL3LAB;1;59;;59;;;JO44;1;;N;; 950603;1932;DL5XV;1;56;;59;;;JO53;1;;;; 950603;1944;OZ8RY/A;1;56;;57;;;JO66;1;;N;; 950603;1953;OZ1AOO;1;59;;59;;;JO65;1;;;; 950603;2003;ERROR;;;;;;;;0;;;; 950603;2018;DL0WX;1;53;;52;;;JO30;1;;N;; 950603;2026;SM4HFI;2;53A;;54A;;;JP70;1;;N;N; 950603;2031;GM4YXI;2;57A;;55A;;14568;IO87;1;N;N;N; 950603;2036;OH2AAQ;2;52A;;59A;;;KO29;1;;N;N; 950603;2040;OH2BNH;2;55A;;57A;;;KP20;1;;N;; 950603;2041;LA2AB;1;59A;;57A;;;JO59;1;;N;N; 950603;2046;GM5BSZ;2;55A;;57A;;23874;IO89;1;N;N;; 950603;2100;SK5BN;2;51A;;55A;;;JP80;1;;N;; 950603;2120;DL9LBA;2;529;;559;;;JO44;1;;;; 950603;2130;SK6NP;2;559;;539;;;JO68;1;;N;; 950603;2136;OH1MDR;2;52A;;57A;;;KP01;1;;N;; 950603;2139;OY9JD;2;51A;;52A;;;IP62;1;;N;N; 950603;2146;OZ3SDL;1;59;;59;;24684;JO65;0;;;;D